Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

That will not be me, that will not be me...

Yesterday Audrey and I were strolling around the mall and we went into JC Penneys. I was perusing the shoe section when a woman came up and asked about our stroller (It's a real conversation piece I tell ya!) Then she asked how old Audrey was. She got all teary eyed and said that her daughter was 3 months. It was her first week back to work and she said she's cried 4 times! Ugh. I told her that I was heading back next week and all she could say (AS SHE WAS CRYING!!) was that it was horrible. Then she excused herself so she could go cry in private. I felt so bad for her, but worse for this what I have to look forward to??


amyluna said...

This is my 2 week back and it's hard but I just keep myself busy and then when it's time to pick up my baby girl I'm so excited to see her! And I don't mind waking up in the middle of the night to feed her anymore because it's more time I get to spend with her. Everyday gets easier, I promise!

Jenn said...

I am REALLY dreading the day that I go back to work. I love my little one so much and just cant imagine how it will be without her! She is staying with my in-laws, but I work with babies with developmental delays, so I will be thinking about her non-stop because we do stuff like tummy time, tracking (all the things I do with my Emma Kate!) Good luck. I feel for you!!

Leanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leanne said...

Sorry about the deleted comment above! :)

I am on week 5 and things are slowly getting easier! I cried when I dropped him off for the first time (two days before I officially started work), but surprisingly didn't on my first day of work- I was too busy! There have been a few days where I have doubted myself and my decision, but as a whole, I am so happy that I am still working! It sounds like you love your job, and I really think that will help!

My office is flooded with pictures of Lucas and I talk about him ALL the time! My favorite part of the day is either picking him up or finding him and my husband at home waiting for me! The hours we are together at night before he goes to bed...they are SACRED and PRICELESS to me! I turn off my cell phone, I turn off the television, I forget my worries/stress/complaints about the day. It is all about Lucas and our little family of three!

I'm not saying there won't be tears, but I am proof that it does get easier with time! And now we are finally in a consistent routine, so that has really helped things!

I will be thinking of you next week!

L.S. said...

It won't be you! From what I've read, you seem to love your job and value your career a great deal. Going back is hard, but, in my experience, the anticipation of going back was a lot harder than actually doing it. And you will value your time home with Audrey and your husband so much more once you're back to work. Ir might take you a while to get into the swing of things, but once you're there I'm sure you'll feel fine about going back. And, look on the bright side, summer isn't all that far away! :-)

Ringmaster said...

Sheri you will do fine!!! You will miss her so much more than she will miss you -- I remember the first time I left Hailey at child care, it was for an hour and it was the longest hour ever -- but when I went to get her she was sitting in a little chair munching on a snack and just havin a good ol time, until she saw me, then all of a sudden she started to cry, like "OMG you left me" funny things is had she not seen me she never would have noticed I was gone :) hahaha! And when I'm at work I honestly don't have time to miss her I'm so busy, but I am so excited to see her at the end of each day and hear about what all she has done and you will learn to really appreciate all the time you have off -- even the crabby days don't seem so bad anymore!! You seem so dedicated to teaching like I am to nursing that I don't think you'll be one bit like that lady you met today!!!!!