Audrey's sleep has been shot to hell recently. At first she was just waking up a little earlier than normal...4:00 am one day, then 3:00 the next, then 2:00, then 1:00. She'd take a bottle and go right back to sleep until her regular wake up time (7:00 ish). Last night was by far the worst though. She went to bed around 8:00. And then woke up at 10:30...WTH??! Chris fed her since he was still up, you know because it was only 10:30. I forget what times she woke up, but it was about every 2 hours the rest of the night. Most of the time she wasn't really interested in eating, although she did manage to suck down a couple ounces each time. It was like she was a newborn again, a time I do not miss (well, as far as night feedings/wakings goes.) This HAS to be a growth spurt. My sweet little baby needs her beauty sleep!
In my search to find a teething cracker/cookie/biscuit, I finally found a snack she likes! I've tried giving her yogurt melts and puffs. She picks them up but doesn't put them in her mouth. Mum Mums are a different story, though. She loves to chew on them. It's so cute to watch her self-feed.
As you can tell, she takes snacking pretty seriously.
Anyways, please recommend your favorite teething snacks and where I can find them. Thanks!
My Macy loves the Mum Mum's too! Her favorite thing is a mesh seether. You can buy it anywhere, Walmart, Target, Babies r Us. It looks like a big pacifier with a plastic handle and a mesh bag on the end. I'm not explaining this very well - haha. Anyways, you can put anything in it. And she LOVES it with a banana. I tried ice this morning, but she was crabby so she wouldn't take it.
Audrey has that too! We've only tried ice in it, I'll have to get some fruit for her.
Hey there - I read your blog pretty regularly - I have a 6 month old baby girl also. I was wondering how many times a day Audrey takes a bottle (not during nighttime), and how many "meals" of solids she eats? My daughter still takes 5 bottles per day but I was wondering if I should try to get her to take 4. How much does Audrey weight now, too?
We went through that growth spurt a couple weeks ago. Well it was either a growth spurt or teething and it SUCKED! Luckily there is an end in sight. We're still working on his sleep, but he's only getting up once in the night now.
One thing I can assure you of is that even though these setbacks in sleeping seem like they last forever they will usually only last a few days. I used to get so frustrated when Jacob would have a bad night thinking that it was going to be like that FOREVER...but it always passed. Jacobs favorite teether was that cheap beaded necklace thing you can get anywhere. He also loved chewing on a wet washcloth...sometimes I would put a baby washcloth in the fridge to make it nice and cool.
Philip is all about the Mum Mum. That and Gerber Puffs. They're like baby crack.
Hi there, I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant and your daughter is so adorable. Anyway my son is the same age and has been waking up quite a bit at night so I have been using baby orajel. It really seems to help him. I think it makes him a little more drooly but it's worth it. What are Mum Mums??? Maybe I sould give them a try.
Mum Mums are like rice cakes...very dissolvable! They come in a variety of flavors!
Those are the same snacks my niece eats - she LOVES them, too!
I hope her sleeping schedule gets back on track for you soon.
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