And 18 pounds heavier! That's what I've gained so far, 9 of those in the last 5 weeks (since our last appointment.) Dr. K says I'm absolutely fine and that I'm measuring great. I love feeling and seeing the baby move, although BB is quite lazy. Chris doesn't get to feel or see very often because it happens so randomly. Maybe as I get into the 30's we'll get more action.
I am so, so excited about our upcoming sonogram....3d baby!! I hope we get some really good shots and that we don't see anything below the waist. Although I'm thinking that if we do accidentally find out, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. We'd still keep it a secret, but I'd go on a huge shopping spree :) Here's what a 3d u/s looks like for a 26w old:

I ordered our glider & ottoman. I need to order animal pictures for the wall and a monogram decal for above the crib. I think we have enough clothes & blankets to do our first load of baby laundry! My registry is done. I feel very ahead of the game.
My next appointment is Oct 9th (our 4 year wedding anniversary!) and I'm dreading it b/c I have to take the 1 hour glucose test. After that I start going every 2 weeks...which is just insane. These last 100 days are going to fly by. I wish I could be pregnant forever! I at least want to hold out until Dec 19th. I want to make it to Winter Break, then BB can come anytime after that!
I'm off to enjoy a beautiful Fall of the last quiet weekends ever.