Halfway!!!!!! Yikes.
I just cannot believe it. We found out in February that we were pregnant. Where did March and April go?! How are there only 16 days left of school?!
There's so much to do- the nursery is not even close to being a nursery. We are researching minivans (really), and I still don't know where I want Audrey to go to school next year (if at all.) I need every bit of this summer to knock out my to-do list!
I got to see BB on Tuesday. I went for my fetal echo and took Audrey with me. She was a hit. The sonographer just loved her. We weren't even supposed to look at the baby, just the heart. But at the very end she said she just couldn't help it. We got some amazing pics!
Chris and my dad both said the baby looks like Audrey :) I'm getting the girl clothes out and washed!
The doctor saw a very tiny leakage in one of the valves- she said it was absolutely NOT a concern. She explained that with their machines being as good as they are, it's very easy to see the smallest things. She did recommend that the baby have an echo when he/she is born. Otherwise, she is not at all worried. We get to see BB again at my growth scan in July!
Abby's party was great! We had just a handful of people, which was nice because I got to spend more time relaxing and socializing. The colors were pink and orange. I nearly killed myself between Friday night and Saturday getting everything done, but it was all worth it. I was so sore after the party! Sunday was an amazing day of rest :)
Audrey had recital pictures on Saturday. She's the sweetest little ballerina, I swear! Her recital is next month and I cannot wait to see how she does. I love watching her class practice- they are beyond adorable!
We finally have roses!
I'm looking forward to the holiday weekend. We're so close to the end of the school year and the next 4 weeks are going to fly by!