One of my former students (now in 6th grade) painted Audrey's face!

Spin art

Loved miniature golf!

She got a ping pong ball in the glass milk bottle on her first shot!

Book Walk- she won!

After she ate and got changed she slept the rest of the time!

Such a great time!
It was such a rainy, dreary day. I took a lot of pictures of Abigail!

Love the smirk.


Super love this picture of Audrey!
Abigail is LOVING food. She's been eating oatmeal (banana flavored) every day (once during the day and once in the evening.) She's had dry toast, carrots, and grilled cheese so far.
Not a huge fan of carrots
Audrey gets super excited when Abigail eats!
Yesterday we had Abigail's 6 month appointment. Her stats are unreal:
height: 27 1/2 inches (95th %)
weight: 18 lbs (95%)
When the doctor walked in and saw the girls she said, "You need to have 6 more babies, they are so beautiful!" I wish :) She talked to Audrey a lot about Abigail. Audrey must've felt like she was going to be observed, too. She started taking off her pants while Sue was checking out Abigail. I think she figured that because Abby was a "nakey baby" she had to strip down, too, lol. Both girls got their flu shots. I held Audrey s she got hers but she barely even winced! I couldn't believe it. Abigail has to go back in a month for the second part. She did well with her shot but didn't sleep all afternoon (except in the car.) She has her 2nd tooth coming in, right next to the one on the bottom. YAY!
I wasn't fast enough to stop her :( I don't even want to think about what kind of germs are on that thing! Actually, it had been put away in the cabinet and Audrey dragged it out. Still...
Great start to the month! Next week is busy though...report cards to be done and 25 parent conferences to hold. I am so looking forward to our 3 day weekend. But I'm mostly looking forward to Thanksgiving. Great food, family, and putting up the Christmas tree. I love the holidays!