After her nap we had lunch and went for a bike ride...it was so warm and I was so tired, just from walking up the street! I needed a nap when we came back...instead we played in the baby's nursery (at her request.) She likes to play music on the play table and when I start singing along she immediately shuts it off- I pretend to be shocked and she cracks up. It's too funny!!

Today was busy! We met my family for breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then went to my OB appt. I was a little nervous about taking her along but she was amazing! First we did the BPP and the baby still looks great. Then I did another NST...I had to lay there for about 20 minutes and Audrey was perfectly content sitting in her stroller and playing with the ipod.
After the dr did the internal he informed me that I'm still 1-2 cm dilated, same as last week. He offered to strip my membranes, which I immediately declined. I still remember how torturous it was with Audrey and I'm just not ready to move things along just yet. I started losing my MP yesterday but other than that I feel good, just huge :)
He also informed me that my induction date is not "set in stone." I'll have to call the afternoon of the 4th to see if L&D can take me...so much for planning! I really don't want to take Wednesday off if I don't have to; on the other hand, I should probably quit while I'm ahead. Having the last few days off has made a big difference...I'm definitely not as sore and I'm feeling less anxious about everything. I'll be glad to wrap up Monday and Tuesday.
Tomorrow we're going to the children's museum in Richmond with Aunt Sarah and cousin Bella. We are so excited! She had so much fun when we went last summer, but I think she'll get a lot more out of it this time. I have another appt on Thursday and I'm being treated to a pedi by my awesome SIL :) I'm hoping Friday will be a nice, relaxing day at home with my sweet girl.