Everything went very well schedule-wise. No problems with the girls in the mornings, got to school in plenty of time. BIG THANKS to Christopher who will be taking both girls to Grandma's house twice a week (even though it's completely out of his way)...I go in super early and get so much done. Love you!! Evenings are great as well- we all get home at about the same time. Chris cooks dinner while I spend time with the girls (again, big props to the husband!) Audrey loves to take out her toys and set them up on the living room table. Abigail gets a bottle as soon as we get home and likes to either be held, or sit in the Bumbo. Bedtime routines run smoothly and the girls are in bed by 8-8:30. I pretty much crash after that! I've been waking up super early (on my own) and I do enjoy the extra quiet time but I'm wiped out by day's end.
On Thursday we went to Spirit Night at Chic-fil-a. These always make for late nights but they are so worth it. I love seeing the kids outside of school and Audrey does, too! Unfortunately we had awful rain while we were there so we were "stuck" for a little while longer than I had planned. But all in all it was a fun night!
I gave Audrey a flower from the table. She tore off every petal and proceeded to throw them in the air...Aunt Kelly, she's SO ready to be your flower girl!
Then she stole one of my student's rain boots and tried to get them on (thanks for the help, MJ!)
She was actually very, very good. Stayed by me the whole night (even though she really wanted to go into the playground area.) So she got ice cream!
Abigail was an angel! Everyone kept saying that she looks exactly like me :)
Gator PJs!!
Today Audrey had her first dance class of the year. She was absolutely thrilled to be back. Totally enthusiastic throughout the entire class, she had Mrs. KK laughing the whole time!
Afterwards we went to Panera, then Target for groceries. Chris had Abigail so it was nice to just have time with Audrey Cate!
I'm back to loving my weekends and cherishing every second with the girls. I'm looking forward to bonding with my new kiddos (they are seriously GREAT!) and everything else this new school year holds!