Check out those chompers!! The ones in the back have been giving her a hard time all week. She's been a finicky eater and her diapers have been terrible (red tush!) And the drool, oh the drool! She woke up a couple times in the middle of the night (Tylenol and warm milk are my BFFs.)
She lurves her new gator purse. We got it while shopping with friends last weekend. We also got her first pair of Stride Rite sneakers! They ended up being only $10 (on clearance, then the cashier gave us a $5 coupon b/c she was "so darn CUTE!")
Blowing kisses!
So happy!
Audrey has gotten so good at walking, she practically runs now she's so fast! We met Chris at Target last night to do some grocery shopping and we let her walk around by herself. Ummmm, she was adorable and absolutely thrilled to be so independent. People kept stopping to talk to her, lol. I'm really loving this toddler stage!