An amazing, fun, exhausting week! The 2nd graders performed the Spring musical and it was the absolute best performance ever. It brought tears to my eyes. I was so proud of all of my kids but especially the ones that took a chance and chose to memorize speaking parts. They stood up and delivered their lines beautifully. That alone made me weepy, but then, at the end, the lights were turned off and they held electric candles and sang, "This little light of mine...I'm going to let it shine..." It was too much!!!! The entire program had a great message about being happy with yourself, finding your place in the world, and letting your light shine. Pretty much sums up my wishes for these kids. It was Teacher Appreciation Week and I received all sort of sweet gifts; flowers, cards, chocolate, even lunch!
Chris brought Audrey to the Thursday night performance. She got to play on the playground for the very first time:

She got to play with the kids as they arrived for the performance. They had a serious amount of nervous energy built up, so I played "Down" (our favorite Friday Freeze Dance song!) and we all busted a move as we waited to get called down for the performance. Audrey LOVED watching them dance, she sang along and clapped. Such a fun memory!

Hooray for an awesome week!