Then my friend Stacy from high school became a mom and started her own photography business. Through FB we'd kept in touch and she started blogging, too. I absolutely loved seeing her work, mostly of her beautiful daughter Addisyn. She now lived in DE but often visited her family who still live in the area. I knew she'd be perfect for Audrey's 2 year portraits.
Our sneak peak was posted on her blog last night and I love how they came out so far. Stacy was so great to work with...she directed us, had great ideas, and even insisted we take pictures on Main Street. If you are in the northern VA/MD/DE area I highly recommend get more than your money's worth and it's such a fun experience!

One thing I love about Stacy's work...she also focuses on the parents...what a change! After all, it all starts with 2 people in love...

All photos courtesy of Stacy Hart Photography.