I am especially grateful to be sharing these first experiences with sweet Audrey. She is so into the holiday spirit this year...the songs, the decorations, and even Santa. We spent Thanksgiving with my family then headed up to Woodbridge to celebrate with the Burns family. Audrey napped for about 30 minutes in the car but was an angel the whole time. She especially loved playing with cousin Teddy. He's 5 and entertains her so well!

Checking out Pop's tree

Helping herself to raspberries at Mom-Maw's.
She didn't eat any of the amazing food...maybe next year?
Next week a good friend of mine is coming to take her 2 year pictures. We're doing them a little early so we can hopefully use them in our holiday cards. I'm hoping to get her new bedroom ready by then so she can take pictures in there. It's been painted and most f the walls are decorated. I'm waiting on a couple of decals from Etsy and for Chris to assemble her crib. I'm so happy with how it's turned out so far!

She kept very busy with this foam block while I put together the closetmaid organizer.

She even tried to help

Trying to get to the hanging lanterns

Phew! All that work is exhausting!
On Saturday during nap time we put up the Christmas tree. When Audrey saw it she said, "Oooohhhh!" and clapped and smiled. She really loves it. I hung all of the kid-friendly ornament on the bottom and let her play with them as much as she likes. Her favorite is a small gold bell decorated with holly leaves.

Just looking at the tree makes me feel so nostalgic. Two years ago I remember sitting in the recliner right in front of the tree with my warming blanket (and a heating pad!) wondering when oh when I'd get to meet Baby Burns. Wondering if it was a Jack or an Audrey. Being very thankful to be on the verge of meeting our first baby. I'm not quite as pregnant this time, but I still have the same feelings. Only this time I get to watch her playing and dancing and singing around the beautiful tree. I love this time of year!