With that said, today was my first official day of summer break. It's hard to be too sad when you get to spend your days with Audrey!

At Bonefish, celebrating Aunt Kelly's birthday (of course she's looking away!!)

Happy Father's Day!

Her hair has grown so much. A year ago she was bald, now she's sporting the cutest blonde curls!!!

I handed her goldfish crackers as she played. She put them in the water, let them float around a little, then "catch" them and eat them. Ha!

Every night Chris and I go in together after she's been asleep for awhile. It's so funny to see how she's fallen asleep. Usually she's on her tummy, butt high in the air, arms tucked underneath. When she's really tired, she passes out on her back, sprawled out, mouth wide open. Tonight she managed to pull down all of her stuffed animals and get comfortable. Adorable!
Tomorrow Audrey will be 18 months old. She has her wellness check in the morning. I absolutely love the freedom that summer brings. I can schedule things as I wish and Audrey is my only alarm clock. Cheers to summertime!