Our house had an early 1:00 check-in time. We left early (before 8) and made it down with no problems in just under 4 hours. We felt like we were really able to enjoy the first day, it wasn't just a "travel day." Our house was super nice and a quick walk to the beach.
The weather was amazing! Only one afternoon was cloudy with a bit of rain. We went to the beach every single day. A couple of mornings I walked to the beach to watch the sunrise.
The girls loved the beach, in small doses. Anne could stay there all day. Abigail and Audrey preferred the pool, but they really had a great time when they were at the beach. I couldn't get enough. I would be out there all day, from sunrise to sunset!
The kids all got along so well and loved playing with each other. I think that's a big reason the big girls wanted to be at the pool, they had so much fun with the other kids. It was interesting to watch Anne. She was constantly on the defense. She did not like it when other kids approached her, especially if she had a toy in her hand. She'd yell and even hit/push :( If Chris or I was holding the baby, she'd yell and cry and point while saying, "No baby!!!" Sheesh. Looks like we have some work to do with this one.
If we don't retire here, I at least want to buy a house that we can retreat to (BEFORE we retire.) A place where I can spend most of the summer and long weekends. Where the girls can go when they're on college break. It's not about laying out in the sun and getting a great tan...I just love watching the ocean and feeling the sand and breeze. I can't believe we have to wait an entire year to see it again :(
Now we are home and it's nice that I have a few weeks left of Summer. Time to focus on the upcoming school year and getting this house in shape!