We ended up getting around 3-4 inches here. We had a wonderful day at home...I was more than happy be with Audrey. We went outside for a little bit and made a bunch of little snowballs. She didn't want to ride on her sled or even walk around. Oh, and she ate pears for the first time today....pretty big deal :)
Luckily our teacher workday is still on for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a full day of working in my classroom. Usually we're stuck going to meetings and professional development classes. I have a long list of things to do and I'm hoping to leave tomorrow with everything checked off!

Photo courtesy of Stacy Hart Photography
Edit 1/28/10: I got to work this morning as it began snowing, only to see fellow teachers slipping and falling! I was super careful & only ended up staying for about 30 minutes, until they canceled the workday (20 minutes before everyone was supposed to arrive!) Two custodians walked me back out to my car and luckily the drive back home was fine.