They are my favorite for sure. There is nothing better than getting bonus time with my sweet girls!
Last week we had a few inches and super cold temps that put us out all week. The girls loved playing in the snow! Audrey liked sledding down our little hill while Abby preferred to pretend like she was Anna climbing the North Mountain (LOVE!!) We made chocolate chip cookies and drank hot chocolate. We stayed in our pajamas and played all day, every day.
The back deck was turned into Audrey's clinic. She would go to "work" and do her "rounds." LOL!
It warmed up a lot on Sunday so I took some pictures of the girls. I love how they turned out.
I cannot get over this one of Abigail. She looks like an American Girl doll!
Anne was SO excited to be out and about with her big sisters!
Sweet Audrey Cate :)
It snowed early this morning, so we're off again today. Good timing- Miss Audrey isn't feeling well. I'm looking forward to another day of snow and snuggles!