With Audrey I was 90% excited and 10% nervous/scared. With Abigail it was very different! I was 50/50. Very happy but very, very anxious! How would I handle two kids? The long nights, feeding every 2 hours, the crying...ugh! And how would it be possible to love another child as much as I loved my first?
Now here we are a year later. Abigail is just a few days shy of 4 months. I was anxious for nothing! This has been such a great experience. There have definitely been frustrating times but they are so miniscule compared to everything else. We were blessed with a true angel baby. It's as if she were always meant to be here with us. I love her with every bit of my heart. Audrey had no problems adjusting, which was my biggest fear, one of my very first thoughts after seeing those two lines.
I know a lot of you ladies are pregnant with #2 right now and are having the exact same thoughts and feelings that I did a year ago. I wanted to let you know that everything will be GREAT!
It's been a whirlwind year and I'm thankful for every moment.