Favors: personalized tea cups and saucers (planters) filled with seed packets, teacup lollipops, teacup stickers, & fancy hand mirrors.
She could not WAIT to dig into the goodies: lofthouse cookies, cake balls, party mints. Christopher was just as bad ;)
Poor Abigail! She has a miserable cold. She had a short morning nap so she was unusually cranky/clingy. She took a nice long afternoon nap (right before cake!)

Bella and Audrey

Your party will be soon enough, darling Abby!
Waiting to open presents! She got gifts that were perfect for her: Mini Lalaloopsy, Princess figurines, nail polish, jewelry, tea sets, and tickets to the dinner theater.

Her big present from us was her pink play kitchen (she's only been talking about it for 3 months!!) Her reaction was funny...she walked in, saw it, and blew a raspberry (something she does whenever she's surprised!)

The play kitchen was a hit with all of the girls :)

Our friend made this beautiful cake. It was perfect!

I loved watching her as we sang Happy Birthday. Definitely almost cried!

Cousins! Ony weeks apart in age...look at how they've changed:

Audrey & Bella played in her new sleeping bag

After the party we went to Target with Sarah and Bella to do our grocery shopping. I was absolutely exhausted by the time we got home...at 7 :) Audrey had "the best birthday party EVER!" and so I would call it a success :) In just 2 weeks she'll officially be three. I am ready. Age 2 was easy breezy and I'm hearing age 3 is where they hit their "terrible" stage...bring it :)