Since I'll be gone for the next week, here are some super cute photos of Audrey Cate to tie everyone over:

She will be 19 months on Saturday and she is just so darn cute I could SQUUUEEEEEEZE her!!! Her new favorite word is "bubbles" and it melts our hearts every time she says it. She is uh-mazing at following directions ("Go get mama's shoes!" "Put that in your toy box!") She is absolutely fearless and kills with her smile. At Target an older couple refused to move to another check-out line just so they could talk to her. She's definitely a people-person. Her personality shines through more and more each day...when we dropped Zoe off at the groomer's she got all teary and upset (a quick trip to the bird aisle helped cheer her right up!) She's counting to 3, mimicking the ABCs, and will show you her teeth if you ask. She likes to tickle you to get your attention. She loves to dance so much that if there's no music she'll pick up some kind of noise making toy and shake it while she dances. Her current favorite song is "California Girls." She ONLY says "Mama" when she wants me to pick her up or if she's hurt/upset. I love everything about that girl (ok, EXCEPT her eating habits...I'm over it!) I look at her and feel like my heart could explode.
Ask me if I feel the same after our vacation :) Wish me luck!