Chris gave Abby her 6 am feeding so I could sleep in (THANK GOD! This is the worst time of day for me because I know Audrey will up soon after Abby is done eating...and I'm just dead exhausted from being up throughout the night.) When I woke up I was able to pump and feed Audrey breakfast. I hit the shower and got myself ready while Audrey went back and forth between dancing in the bathroom and watching Disney in our bedroom. Abigail slept in the bathroom (loud music, bright lights and all!) Abby started to wake up as Chris was leaving. I fed her, changed her, and put her back down to get Audrey ready...but Abby didn't not want to be put down. She was crying non-stop...which she NEVER does (of course not, not until this moment!) I gave her another bottle (she drank about an ounce) and she passed out. Phew! We were out of the house and packed into the car by 9:30...success!
We arrived at the studio and everyone was surprised to see us! They oohed and ahhhed over Abby and even offered to help if she woke up during class :) But she didn't...she slept contently in her car seat as I participated with my sweet Audrey Cate. She was thrilled to be back at class and she did SO WELL! I'm incredibly proud of her.
Afterwards we went to Sonic and came home. Audrey went down for an early nap and I woke up Abby to feed her. She pretty much slept the rest of the afternoon and evening. We went out to dinner with my IL's to celebrate Mother's Day. We stopped on the way home for some DQ and by 8:00 I was ready for bed! I went to sleep early while Chris watched Abby. It's been smooth sailing so far because Abigail sleeps all.the.time. And I'm enjoying it while it lasts!