The girls and I went grocery shopping as soon as we were dressed. We had a great time- seriously...these girls are a dream to shop with! Abigail was so content and Audrey was great company. I want to always remember how precious they are at this moment...because it can't last forever (right?!)
We got home and I put Abby down for her nap right away. Audrey helped me unload the groceries.
I don't know why she hung the bags on the knobs- too funny!
Then she colored and had a snack while I put everything away and made jambalaya (sooo yummy!) Later she played on the computer.
When Abby woke up we took a nice long walk in the stroller and played with the bubbles. It was another gorgeous day!
Audrey went down for her nap at 2:00 but I could hear her talking and playing for 45 minutes! When I went in I noticed that she had switched to the other end of the bed and she had her stuffed animals and dolls all lined up on the other end.
Silly girl.
She finally fell asleep. Abby laid down aound 3:00 and had a great nap. At about 4:00 Audrey woke up kind of upset and saying, "I want you." So I sat with her on the couch and she fell right back to sleep. I couldn't have been more relaxed or happy- it was so nice to have my sweet girl resting on me. I adore her so much! I finally laid her in my bed and let her sleep as late as she wanted (past 5:00!)
She tried green beans but didn't like them. She started picking around them to get all the chicken!
Taking lots of steps!
When the girls woke we went for another walk- Abby in the Moby Wrap and Audrey on foot. And of course we blew more bubbles :) The girls had dinner and then Audrey had a bath while Abby watched. Abby went to bed right before Chris got home but Audrey stayed up until 9:00. She didn't fall asleep until after 10:00 though because she kept playing with her stuffed animals. She's going to be tired tomorrow!
I begrudgingly got started on report cards and got quite a few done. Then it was off to bed so we could enjoy the weekend!