Change: On Tuesday Chris got a call about our rec room window. He eventually decided to take it out completely (it would have needed a window well, which I don't like at all) and do a better window by the stairs. I learned the difference between a den and rec room. The den is what *I* consider the 5th bedroom in the basement (it has a bathroom! And a closet! It seriously looks like a bedroom.) Chris explained that our drain field is for a four bedroom home. Or something like that.
On Tuesday we got a ton of moving boxes from Grandma & Grandpa who saved them from their move from Texas. We packed up as much of the TV/media stuff as we could. Chris made a trip to the dump. On Wednesday we spent the morning purging and packing the kitchen and Chris made a run to Goodwill. I'm definitely more motivated with him around! The foundation walls were poured.
On Thursday I worked on my closet, which has a million different things...home decor, thousands of photos, picture frames, memory boxes, school boxes, etc. I filled 3 boxes of picture frames for Goodwill and was able to pack some boxes for the move. The dumpster arrived at the end of the day. I threw out the glider we've had since Audrey was born (it was falling apart!) But I rocked Audrey and Abigail in it one more time, lol.
On Friday the girls and I took a break and had a pool day :) Chris took these pics...
This is the side of the house. Towards the back is our rec room window.
Front of the house. Curious to see how they backfill...we don't want rails!
View from the garage...that's a lot of dirt to fill in! Straight ahead is the rec room window, off to the right is the door for our walk-out.
Chris was standing "in" the house! This is a view of the den window, which will have a window well.
Groundworks was completed on Friday. Next up is pouring the slabs and then backfill. I'm really excited to see all of that done. We'll get to see what our yard will look like! And after all that they will begin framing! Woo hoo!!