Saturday was a big day! Audrey got her first haircut! I was pretty hesitant. Yes, her hair was starting to get out of control, but I love the way it gets crazy curly in the humidity. PLUS we were able to put it up in an adorable ponytail. But it had to happen sometime. We went after dance class and it was a success. She sat in the chair with a lollipop and even though she wasn't thrilled at least it got done and looks super cute!

Picking out a hairstyle with dad

It was a very long wait!

The first cut!

"Look, lady, I've been growing this out for over 2 years now, make it look good!"
We have an envelope of her precious curls and a certificate. I also kept the receipt :)
Tomorrow I go back to work and I have such mixed emotions! I am so very excited to spend the last week of school with my kids. I saw them on Friday for the first time since having Abby and it was crazy! I didn't realize just how much I missed them until I saw their faces and heard their voices. It was completely crazy because I had both girls AND it was Field Day. They pretty much entertained Audrey while I got to visit. I loved being back.
But, oh my goodness! There is just too much to get done next week...files, a million forms to fill out for NEXT year, meetings, testing, awards, report cards,'s going to be too crazy (which will make the time go by faster, but still!!) And of course I'm going to miss lounging around with my sweet girls. All I can say is thank God for Grandma! I know Audrey is thrilled to be going back next week and of course now Abby will get some good bonding time in with her grandparents. But best of all I can drop them off and not have a single worry all day. They are in the best hands of people who love them just as much as we do and what more could I ask for?