I can't believe it's been half a year already. Our lives have completely changed (for the better!) What did we do before her? I honestly do not know, or care. This time last year I was newly pregnant (still in my 1st trimester) and I spent the whole summer sleeping, eating, reading, and researching baby stuff. I had so much free and alone time on my hands. I remember my assistant principal had sent me a note, "Enjoy your summer!! This time next year you'll be chasing a 6 month old!" How true. Audrey is doing so much these days. When I was home on maternity leave it was quite boring. I had no idea how to entertain a newborn. But now she's into everything!! She grabs for anything that you give her, anything that is placed in front of her. She loves her exersaucer, her jumperoo, the TV, the dogs, her many, many toys. But most of all she loves her mom and dad :) I love when she reaches for our faces and just lets us kiss all over her. It's the best :)
Some long overdue pictures of our sweet girl:

She loves the pool!

Adorably bashful!

Our first trip to Kings Dominion

She loves playing with her basket of toys...

...but we make her smile the most!
6 month stats:
weight- 15.9 lbs
length- 24 in
head- 42 cm (16.5 in)