I think it's amazing that I've made it to 35 weeks and I'm just now starting to feel...done! Like it's really coming to an end. It's harder to get up, bend down and walk around. The lower back pain I had weeks ago is back so every time I take a step forward with my right foot I feel a twinge of pain. I'm definitely feeling more pressure, but I'm not sure that I've actually dropped; I think the baby is just getting bigger (which is a good thing!)

I had my first biophysical profile yesterday. Everything looks great! He or she is measuring right on track and performed the essential tasks needed to complete the BP. I weighed in at 151 and blood pressure was great. Dr K was called off to a delivery so I saw Dana the midwife who was very nice. Heartbeat was in the 130s and the nurse surprised me when she said they'd be doing my Strep B test....eek! It actually wasn't bad at all, the midwife did a quick internal and I was done! My insulin was increased at my last appt to 27 units but it hasn't brought my morning numbers down. I'll have to call back on Friday to see if I need to increase the dosage again. The insulin shots hurt a little but they're tolerable.
My OB office had my peri appt scheduled for Friday at 11...which does not work for me. So I called today and had it switched to their next available day which isn't until April 20th at 2:00. At least I'll only have to take a 1/2 day off from school. I can't believe there's less than 3 weeks until Spring Break. I'm hoping I can make it through the break so that I have a nice, relaxing week to lounge around the house with sweet Audrey Cate. She's so incredible, I could eat her up!

My next appt is next Thursday...the clock is ticking!