Then I came across this beauty and my plans completely changed! Their bedrooms are bright and cheerful, so I felt really good about making this room a little more serene. In the far future it will be a full fledged office.
We had decided not to paint the playroom gray like the rest of the house, so I knew that gold would look great with the beige walls. We bought the large beanbags and pillows for the girls for Christmas (confession- I bought the Hello Lovely pillow first because I can't pass up anything with the word's my favorite word!)
I love the alligator toy box! It totally does not go with the decor, but if it has a gator, I need it. Once the girls have outgrown it I'm sure it'll be going to my classroom! We also have a ton of nesting boxes that we use for toys.
Love these windows!
To do:
-We have a PBK table and chairs to put here, but it's currently being used in my classroom. I honestly think I'll leave it there until Summer break. I like having the playroom floor wide open.
-Organize the's crazy! It has several wire shelves that are super deep. I am committed to getting rid of lots of stuff, but it's hard to part with things I think they're going to miss! However it seems like every time I go in there to clean, I end up with a box full of things to take to Goodwill :)
-We're going to add a strip of cork board underneath the Instagram posters. We need all that space for their amazing creations!
-Set up the art easel.
-Find a picture or printable for the 8x10 frame on the shelf.
Having a playroom is invaluable and was another deciding factor when choosing this particular floor plan. The fact that it's right off the main living area and we can close the door? So perfect.