We had a huge shower at our house yesterday. It was awesome! I'm so glad it was a family-friendly shower. Our favorite part was seeing everyone together. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. Chris and Dave fried the turkey, which smelled amazing. My sister Kelly decorated and organized games. My good friend Dove made the delicious cake. The grandmas brought tons of food. It started at 1:00, but we didn't start opening gifts until 2:30! The kids that were there were SO funny. They kept asking for the bows and ribbons to add to their collection. They would "oooh" and "ahhhh" over the gifts. So cute. The last guests left around 7:00 and we were exhausted! It truly was an amazing day and we are so thankful for our wonderful family and friends. Only 2 months until Baby Burns arrives!!
I'm adding lots of pictures to our website!
Click here to see.

31 weeks!