I was starting to feel a little weak and winded towards the end (low blood sugar) so we went to lunch at Longhorns. Lunch with two 2-year olds is very interesting! The girls were great (minus the random "Chicken Butt" they'd yell across the table at each other, LOL.) They were sooo funny in the car. Audrey would say some silly word and Bella would crack up. They were so entertaining :)
When we got home we took a nap and then Audrey helped me put together the new baby swing. She was an awesome helper! She kept all the screws together, brought me tools and was great company.

A week from tonight I *hopefully* go in for my induction. So hard to believe the end is near. I see my dr again tomorrow, possibly for the last time. I'm torn about whether to have him strip my membranes...I don't want to go into labor anytime soon, but if I do go in for an induction I'd like to be more dilated than 1-2! I'll probably chicken out and just wait. Anything can happen between now and May 4th :)