This weekend we traveled up to Mom Maw's to have dinner and pick up the outdoor play set for Audrey. I was so excited to be getting this! With all the time I'll have with her at home, I really wanted more outdoor play options. We have bubbles and the stroller, but every kid needs a swing and a slide! I remember when Scott was little, we'd push him for hours in his red toddler swing that hung from a tree in our front yard. He loved it!! Especially when you'd pretend to fall over as he got closer. Classic. She loved the swing and the slide, and I imagine it will only be a matter of time before she's climbing all over it like a little monkey child.

In the car on the way to see Mom Maw (she loves her books!)

The large flower bush bloomed beside the house this week, so we took some pictures since the weather was gorgeous: