Can I just say how excited I am about her most recent communicative skill? She tries to mimic me when I count to three or say, "I love you!" Maybe mimic is the wrong word b/c she doesn't say "three" or "you." More like she anticipates the final word of my sentence and tries to play along. While she's not saying the words, it's very exciting to me :)
On Thursday night I took her to school for our Multicultural Night and Ice Cream Social (she loved the ice cream, btw!) I truly hope that one day she'll be a gator and so I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of her roaming the halls:
"No running in the hall!"
I will SO be taking a picture like this on her first day of school!!
This is how our night went: when she wasn't in her stroller, she was being chased by a bunch of (well-meaning) elementary kids. She loved the attention and the kids were so good with her!
On Friday Grandma & Grandpa sent us home with a bubble machine they had picked up for Audrey. She really loves it when their dog Asia snaps at the bubbles...I mean, she nearly hyperventilates with laughter. Unfortunately our dogs do not care for the bubble machine, but at least that gives Audrey a chance to enjoy the bubbles!