I've been waiting so long to blog about this! On August 25th we found out we were pregnant. We had been hoping for another, but after speaking with my doctor in May it seemed like a long shot. We had decided that if nothing happened this summer I'd go back on Clomid next summer. Imagine our shock and surprise when I randomly took a test on CD 41. I kept saying, "Oh my God, OH MY GOD!" We told close family & friends right away. Obv I wanted to wait until after the 1st tri to announce it on the interwebz.
I shouldn't have been too surprised...after I finished nursing I began to have regular cycles (something that never happened pre-Audrey.) I assumed I ovulated as well but I never kept track- which was a huge difference from ttc the first time (taking temps daily, charting, OPKs- UGH!) My cycles were long which is why Dr K. said we'd probably need to get back on meds to conceive again. The look on his face when he walked into our first appointment was priceless and we totally high-fived, lol.
Baby Burns is due May 7th. I'm 15 weeks and feel great, even starting to show a bit. I was mostly exhausted during the 1st tri, but no morning sickness. On Thursday Audrey and I went to the doctor for a quick check up. We heard a nice strong heartbeat at 160 bpm. I go back in 3 weeks for a quad screen and then 3 weeks after that for a sonogram (right around Christmas!) It's definitely an exciting time for our family :)
Some pics of the day we found out:
Someone seems happy with the news! She missed all the excitement while she was napping.
I get to have another one of these?! Life is good.