All registered for preschool!
My goodness. My endless Summer is over! I have loved staying home with my girls. It was like being gifted with time. Of course there were times I WANTED to be back at work, lol. But for the most part, being a SAHM was a wonderful experience and I feel very lucky I was able to do it.
I'm SUPER lucky to be going back to my school, and I'm even back at my GRADE level! I was so excited that I went to school and started moving furniture as soon as we were allowed, lol. I love this time of year so much...the unpacking and decorating, the excitement of getting to know a new bunch of new kiddos and their families.
As much as I love it, I'm stressed! I'm waking up at 2, 3, 4 am and not going back to sleep. I'm on Pinterest and school supply sites constantly. I'm simultaneously working on several documents and making a ton of lists. I jump from one task to another and I just feel frazzled. I'm worried I'm going to burn out before the first day!
All that while trying to get the house in order. We got a nice big dumpster delivered and we're trying to purge and organize. That in itself is a never ending task! Having 3 little girls underfoot makes it difficult to get things done, but I'm also trying to soak up every moment with them.
Hanging in our PJs (or just a diaper, in Anne's case!)
Princess of the Pool!
Helping Mom at school!
Speaking of the girls...they are incredible. Over the past few weeks I have loved watching them play together. Audrey and Abigail are best friends and worst enemies, lol. They dress each other up, build hide outs, have tea parties, play with their dolls, etc...and of course there's the occasional scream fest, name calling, and physical fighting. I honestly try to stay out of it until someone comes to me. I have to see their arguing as a good thing- maybe it will help them be good problem solvers? I'm sure to treat them equally and we always end up talking things out. It's the craziest minute they'll be crying and complaining about each other and TWO MINUTES LATER they are laughing and holding hands. I think they are going to miss each other a lot when school starts :(
Spa Day!
Sweet Anne just watches all the action and every once in awhile she'll crawl over and try to interact with the girls. They just eat her up! They LOVE their baby sister. It's going to be hard on all of us girls, being in different places!
Never have I wanted to freeze time as much as I do now, on my last day of summer. I watched Audrey sleeping the other night. When I was staring at her face, I could remember exactly what she looked like as a newborn, and how I felt watching her sleep back then. I just wanted to cry. It happened so fast. I remember walking her around this house when she was days old, bouncing her in my arms to calm her down. And Abby is going to did that happen? It seems like just yesterday I was snuggling with her in the living room (exhausted!) while I watched Audrey play. Sweet Anne- this has been the best year of my life, largely due to her! When I got her from her crib this morning I smothered her in kisses and hugs, feeling so terribly sad that I will probably be gone before she wakes most mornings.
Luckily, when I'm at school, the girls are not constantly on my mind. I get so wrapped up in the million things I'm doing and the time flies by. But as soon as I walk out the door, I cannot get to the girls fast enough. I have more patience with them and I make the most of our time together. The evenings go by so quickly, and while I'm super grateful that they have an awesome bedtime routine...I immediately start missing them again :(
Here's to this being another fantastic year for our family, full of great change and exciting adventures!