For funsies, here's Audrey last year, her 1st Valentine's Day:
Eeeek! What a tiny little baby! And what a difference a year makes:
Getting ready to go out to dinner!
She was an angel at dinner! Which surprised us because she hadn't had an afternoon nap (she did fall asleep about 5 minutes before we got to the restaurant, in true Audrey fashion.)
Reading her Valentine's Day card from mom & dad (Dora!)
Love. That's what Valentine's Day is all about. And while I have always considered it a romantic holiday for couples, I have pretty much decided it's going to be about celebrating love as a family. Christopher is my Valentine, but sweet Audrey Cate is OUR Valentine, and will be until she's old enough to find someone worthy of being hers.
So, to both of my loves, a quote that sums it all up so nicely: "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning