I had my growth scan last Friday afternoon. I weighed in at 135 and BP was great. The ultrasound tech (who I've had previously) was AMAZING. So sweet and talkative. She spent a long time getting all the correct measurements. When she switched to 3D, it almost took my breath away! First, I was not expecting it. Second....seeing, I mean really seeing your baby's face for the first time like that is incredible! The tech tech referred to "baby" the whole time, so no slips :)
Baby weighs 10 ounces (perfect!) and has all parts. The doctor said my numbers look great, even with a few high ones every now and then (girl has to splurge every now and then!) My placenta wasn't very visible on the u/s, so they did do a transvaginal and they fully expect it to "migrate" as I progress. I go back on Tuesday for a fetal echo, then another growth ultrasound in July. This pregnancy is going by way too fast! I hope the Summer drags. My new EDD is just one day later- Oct 3rd. But I'm still very certain this will be a September baby!
The baby moves a lot now. I love laying still in the morning and feeling him/her move. He/she always comes awake when I read aloud to my kids. It's the coolest feeling!
On Sunday morning Audrey gave me my Mother's Day card. When the Starbucks gift card fell out, she said, "Are you going to get coffee mocha?" LOL- I take her to Starbucks waaaay too much apparently :) I told her, "I love being your mom!" She said, "I love being your children." :)
We went to lunch with Nana and my brothers and sister. Then we went to Grandma's for a cookout. Audrey loved seeing everyone, especially playing with her friends and cousins!
I got to spend time in Audrey's classroom on Monday. She served me muffins and lemonade. Then we read books together. I had to guess which Mommy drawing was hers (I picked hers out easily!) At circle time we danced, sang, and read a story. Then she made me a beautiful necklace (that I wore all day and will keep forever!) and a flower. I loved every minute of our special morning!
It's no secret that I love being a mom. Everyday I thank my lucky stars to be blessed with 2 amazing children. My heart is full!