On Monday we went to the Metro Richmond Zoo. It was a nice (but breezy) day and the girls had a blast. I was so happy that my SIL and niece could join us!!
"It was so cute to hear Abigail "talk" to the animals..."Hi, monkey! Bye, monkey! See you later!"
This tiger totally came up and "attacked" the window, right in front of a little boy...he was petrified, but it was hilarious!
A little nervous, lol
Poor kid!
She wasn't fond of sitting in her stroller. Whenever we stopped, she'd want to get out. Such a big girl!
I thought for sure that Audrey wouldn't want to get near the giraffes, but she was all about it!
"Come here, giraffes!"
On Tuesday I had a quick dr appointment. We heard the baby's heartbeat and my blood sugar levels looked fine. Afterwards I took the girls to the mall for ice cream (Audrey), Chic-fil-a (Abigail & me) and play time. The girls were wonderful, as usual. I always enjoy my outings with them. I am so, so anxious about being out and about with 3 kids (if I'm ever brave enough to do so!) I got a few things done around the house while Chris trekked up to Ikea to get Audrey's new bed.
On Wednesday, Chris spent the day cleaning out the garage, washing the cars (thanks, baby!!), and mowing the lawn. Audrey even helped him for a bit (she was in Heaven!) I got more things done around the house (having Baby #3 on the way is a great motivator!) Chris grilled some chicken and we had a great dinner. I was craving a milkshake (I've been wanting them a lot lately!) so he made a quick run to McD's :) It was a very productive day.
On Thursday I took apart Audrey's bed (her old crib) and reassembled it in the baby's room. I cleared out her room and vacuumed before I set up her mattress with her new bedding. She was pretty excited to nap on it! Abby fought her naps all week and today was no different. She just spent a couple of hours chilling in her crib while I worked on the nursery.

Our current office (which we basically use for storage) will be the new baby's room. It is small and doesn't have a closet, but it's just the right size for starting out. I can't wait to transform it into a sweet little room for Ben or Annie!

First night in her big girl bed!
Friday was a pretty easy day. I put together Audrey's Barbie Beach House and then we went grocery shopping after naps. While I feel like I have most of my energy back, I find that I still need a siesta!
14 weeks
All in all it was a great week. Only 10 more until Summer!