She's spent just as much time on the outside world as she did in the inside world. Mind blowing!
She is officially crawling the "correct way" on hands and knees. I've been leaving her pantless and sockless so that she's not slipping on the floors and it works. She is fast and always wants to go where she's not allowed (Audrey's room.) She can get herself into a sitting position (yay!) She's pulling up on her knees and gets one foot up but doesn't quite have the strength and/or coordination to get both. In time!
Her hair continues to get longer and lighter. I would love to hold off until she's one to get her first hair cut, but her bangs are always in her face! Thank goodness for hair clips (although lately she's been pulling them right out.)
She's clapping a lot and was waving for a short period of time. She holds her arms up when she wants to be picked up. Her face completely lights up when she sees someone she loves. But she's completely stone-faced when she sees strangers!
She's doing so well with food! She eats all kinds of great food for lunch at Grandma's house- casseroles especially. While I love that she's great with food it's hard to get people to accept that she cannot have sweets- Christopher is especially guity of this. No, she may not have ice cream or birthday cake. She is a BABY. And honestly, with her being so chubby (yeah, I said it) I don't want her to have any sweets at all (her first b-day and other special occasions will be an exception.) Audrey is so into sweets (like her mom) and I'm just really trying to do things better this time around.
She continues to be on a great schedule; sleeps in pretty late on the weekends. In fact, she might be wide awake and all we have to do is move her back to the middle of her crib, turn on the sea horse, replace the paci, and give her Mickey. She goes to bed wide awake and we rarely hear from her the rest of the night. Love it!
I still only see 3 bottom teeth but she's drooling a lot and loves to blow raspberries, spit, and suck in/purse her lips.
Her wellness checkup is this Friday and I'm anxious to see how much she weighs. I'm thinking she's close to the max height for her infant carrier. So far getting around with 2 has been a breeze with her in the seat. I have no idea how I'm going to cart around 2 free-moving children! Now that Chris is working every weekend I'm a little nervous :) Time is just flying by!
Happy 9 months, Abby-gator!