The mudroom is such a lifesaver. In our old house there was no spot to drop backpacks, coats, shoes, and bags. Our dining room table ended up being the drop zone because it was right next to the kitchen where I packed lunches, checked backpacks, etc. When we were looking at floor plans, this new house won because of the mudroom.
This part of the house is super functional. The mudroom is right off the garage AND next to the kitchen. The pantry is on one end and the laundry room is on the other. There is also a coat closet where we keep extra coats, mine and Chris's shoes, and the vacuum and broom and step stool.
The girls know their routine; shoes off and in their basket, backpacks put on the bench (Abigail likes to go a step further and stand on the bench to hang hers up- LOVE her!) We usually don't have coats hanging around because we're just a few steps from the van :)
Chris made the rack above the bench and he painted an old mirror, two things I definitely needed in there right away.
To do: I have picture frames to hang above the hooks, and I'm searching for matching floor rugs. We still need to get shutters (or even just a cheap set of blinds) for the laundry room window. We also need to organize our pantry.
Every time I walk into the house I'm grateful for this room. Even when it's a mess it looks organized!
Now we have a space for all of our's convenient as we're coming and going and our kitchen table stays (relatively) empty!