I just did Abigail's 11 month post and since then she's doing a couple of major new things!
In the past week she's started taking steps. She's taking 2-4 very wobbly steps before crashing (and she is SO excited about it!) In the past couple of days she has started pulling herself up and standing by herself. She did it for the first time on me- she was pulling herself up to me, stood straight up, then let go and stood for a few seconds...I was shocked! This morning she steadied herself on her Boppy pillow and stood up. Chris was there and couldn't believe it :)
She does very well walking when you hold her hands. Audrey always wants to take the other hand and help her (so sweet!)
We started mixing in milk with her formula. She's taking about 4 oz of formula and 3 oz of milk. A few nights ago I put her milk into a sippy cup. She sucked it down in no time- and then that was the end of the bottle. I love that we don't have to wash bottles (and all the little parts!) but so sad that my little baby doesn't need a bottle anymore :(
Look at all those bottom teeth!
Loves to play with her big sister :)