On Sunday we went swimming at Grandma's, where we got to see Sarah and Bella who were up visiting for the weekend. Cousin Skylar came over too! It's always fun to get the girls together.

Our sweet hula girl

That night we celebrated Teddy's 5th birthday at Sakura. Despite not having a nap all day, Audrey was great. We had cake and ice cream and Teddy opened his presents. We didn't get home until almost 10:00...phew! We all slept in on Monday and while Chris went to work for a few hours, Audrey and I headed back to the pool.

We got home around 3:00 and Audrey slept the whole way home, plus took a nap until almost 6! We had dinner, then played outside for awhile. Audrey got her first scraped knee, but didn't cry at all. She's pretty tough.

The hydrangea began to bloom this weekend. I can't wait to watch its progress over the next few weeks!

3 more weeks of school! (Plus 2 work days.)