She cut her 2 bottom teeth within a week of each other. The aftermath of that has been awful! A rash on her face, very short naps, several nighttime wakes. wants to be held A LOT. My poor, sweet baby :(
She puts herself into a sitting position. It's insanely cute to see her sitting up when I get her from her crib. The big sisters love getting her up. Abby likes to turn on the lamp and turn off the sound machine. We sing the Good Morning Song to her..."Good morning, good morning, good morning to YOU! We love you, we love you, we love you, we DO!" I have to get it on video one of these days. She smiles as she looks at each of us and she wiggles like crazy and my heart EXPLODES!
She started crawling the night before she turned 8 months old. Now I have to be extra careful with the toys that get left behind by her big sisters. She's also pulling herself up on her knees....OY!
She really is a happy baby, and while she's over her social anxiety, she is just not ready to be away from mom and dad yet. I feel like we've graduated from social to separation anxiety, lol. Chris and I went on a canoe trip for a few hours and she cried A LOT at Grandma's house. She's happy so long as one of us is nearby/holding her.
I am DONE with pumping! Ideally I would have done it until August, then weaned completely before the teacher workweek at the the end of the month. Then we planned our vacation for the end of July, so I figured I'd just wean before that. It just kind of naturally happened...I'd been doing 3 sessions a day, then I cut the midday out (which made for some uncomfortable evenings!) After a few weeks I shortened my morning and evening sessions until I eventually dropped the evening pump all together (which made for some uncomfortable mornings, lol!) After a few days I stopped completely. I was so ecstatic to pack it away. I have a ton of frozen milk, plus we use formula at night (in hopes of getting longer sleep stretches.) Pumping while staying at home was much harder than it was than when I went back to work. When I went back to work, I pumped in the car (both ways) and during one of my breaks. At home there are so many more distractions and interruptions with 3 kiddos! So, what I really love is the time I get back.
Audrey at 8 months:
A few days ago I got to hold our newest cousin. He is so small and sleepy and cuddly...I barely remember Annie being that way, it's crazy how quickly they grow this first year. I'm so happy I got to spend all that time with her and part of me is a little sad to be going back to work in a few months. We are going to have the best summer! She's at a great age where she'll be able to enjoy the pool and family outings. Hoping time slows for a just a bit ;)