January- I was about halfway through my pregnancy with Abigail and felt great. Audrey was saying a lot of 2-3 word sentences. She always carried around her Mickey and Minnie figurines. I stalked the weather forecast in hopes of snow. We did end up getting a couple of days.

February- We loved watching Audrey grow and thrive. She learned all of her shapes and colors and even a few hand signs. I started having severe rib pain with Abigail. We both got a stomach bug at the same time. Audrey took her first trip to the ER which turned out to be for no reason (live and learn, right?!) She started demanding songs in the car and got really good and saying “please” and “thank you.”
Looking back, January and February were pretty blah. They usually are for me…I’m almost positive I have SAD!

March- I was diagnosed with GD (about 4 weeks late because I kept putting it off.) I woke frequently in the middle of the night and started sleeping on the couch. Audrey started taking toys into bed with her (figurines.) She wouldn’t play with them, just wanted them in bed with her! I turned 30. I started full-on nesting in preparation for Abigail. So excited to meet our new baby but so anxious about all the new changes about to happen. I started tracking my blood sugar levels and sadly realized I needed a diet change. Our first nephew was born and despite some health issues he’s a healthy, beautiful boy! I felt super awesome going into my last month of pregnancy. I started insulin shots (ouch!)

April- We took Audrey to the zoo…one special trip as a family of 3. I had an amazing massage. We got a ton of things ready for Baby Burns. I started stressing big time about all the things I needed to get done for my long-term sub on top of having to do report cards and parent conferences. More doctor appointments, including an appointment with the perinatologist. I packed my hospital bag but prayed we wouldn’t need it until May (there was lots of talk about being induced.) I was so looking forward to Spring Break. A full week of getting last minute things done, relaxing, and enjoying Audrey. Easter came and went and I was loving Spring Break. For the first 3 days we had blast, just hanging out. We went to CMoR and towards the end of that trip I knew something wasn’t right. Sure enough, my water broke late that night and the next morning we had a sweet baby girl!

May- We adjusted to life as a family of 4. Abigail was a sweet, easy going, lovely baby. Audrey kept on like nothing had really changed. I was relieved to see that this was not as hard as I’d imagined! The worst part was early morning. I’d be so tired from nighttime feedings and of course Audrey is an early riser. That was rough! I had my first solo outing with both girls. I was definitely enjoying the newborn phase this time around. Before we knew it, Abigail was one month old.

June- I went back to work for the last week and a half of school. It was crazy busy! But so great knowing that summer was finally here. Audrey turned 2 ½ and seemingly wanted nothing to do with potty training... then literally the next day she was practically trained, lol. I discovered Pinterest. Abigail started smiling and cooing and growing (I was mass producing milk for a reason!)

July- Really loved this full month of summer! Abigail continued to be an easy baby (with crazy ass hair.) Audrey spend most of the time bottomless ☺. We got to meet my nephew for the first time and Audrey got to spend time with both of her girl cousins. We pretty much enjoyed staying home and bonding!

August- Abigail started sleeping through the night. Her hair started falling out, to be replaced by a lighter shade of brown. She became very vocal. I decided that we’d be waiting on solids and try BLW (one of my best parenting decisions ever!) Audrey became really into princesses (and started paying more attention to her little sister, especially when she realized she could make her laugh!) I started the Photo 366 Blog. We had lots of tea parties. I took Audrey to see her first play. We had an earthquake! And then a hurricane! I met my new (LARGE) class. I cherished every last moment of sweet summer.

September- Back to School! Back to cherishing weekends. Dance class started again. Took a (real) sick day. Started to get overwhelmed with school. Audrey started calling Abigail, “My Abby,” and started to be more affectionate. Abby started rolling over. We went to see Disney Princesses on Ice. Fall was in full swing and it was crazy busy chaos.

October- We stopped swaddling Abigail and it was a smooth transition. She got some kind of freaky rash that cleared up quickly. We took a trip to Belvedere where Audrey got her face painted for the first time and got over her fear of moon bounces. Abby got her first tooth. Audrey finally gave up the paci and started using the regular toilet. Abby started sitting up better and started eating solids. Every weekend was jam-packed with activities. The girls dressed up for Halloween. Chris got a new job and absolutely loves it!

November- The girls got their flu shots at Abby’s 6 month appointment. We started sleep training (but hardly needed it!) I broke a rib. We had a wonderful photo shoot with my dear friend Stacy. Lots of days off for holidays. Audrey got sick for a few days and I felt really, really lousy about being a working mom. We put up our Christmas tree before Thanksgiving (new tradition, Christopher;)) First Thanksgiving as a family of 4.

December- Abigail is having a blast eating all sorts of food. Audrey had a lovely tea party for her birthday. I continued to stress about a zillion things I don’t have time to get done. Chris turned 30. Audrey and Abby got a visit from Santa & Mrs. Claus. Audrey turned 3. Abby’s first Christmas was wonderful. We enjoyed winter break so much (Chris was off for most of it, too!)
It was one of our best years ever. Everyone is happy and healthy and we are very blessed. Here’s to another amazing year…Happy 2012!