My little brother turns 14 today and I can hardly believe it! He's the greatest kid I've ever known. He's been a shining star in my life since the day he was born. I was 14 and completely in love with my little baby brother. I wanted to hold him all the time, feed him, play with him. I really appreciated having him around. I loved watching him grow up. He was the baby in the family by 10 years and so there was never a dull moment with him around. Scott is so kind, thoughtful of others and very generous. I don't think there's a selfish bone in his body! And he has the best sense of humor. He makes me laugh all the time. Now that I have a baby of my own, it's makes me so proud to watch him as an uncle. He's so great with Audrey and he loves her so much. No doubt he'll be one of her favorites...because he's definitely mine!

I thought he was the cutest baby I'd ever seen!

In Maine, our favorite vacation many fantastic memories

Happy 14th birthday!!