Time has really flown by. I had my 6 week pp check up today and everything looks good. Everyone at the office just loved Audrey and kept saying what a beautiful baby she is. I only have about 5 weeks with her before I go back to work. I have such mixed feelings about that!
She's doing so well. Pretty much STTN. We do her bedtime routine and Chris puts her down around 9:30 ish. She's been sleeping until 3:00 and goes back down around 4:00, then sleeps until 7:00. It's pretty fantastic. I love this picture, her shirt says it all:

Maybe I should make one that says, "Sleeps Through the Night" :)
She rolled over again a few nights ago during tummy time. We were on the floor in her bedroom and of course she only did it once, but we were so excited! I really need to keep my camera nearby.