I'm teaching Kindergarten :) I was a bit overwhelmed at Open House last Thursday. There were so many people (everyone made it!) The kids were interrupting and asking questions...there were little siblings everywhere...I left happy, but sort of dazed.
This first week confirmed my decision to move to Kindergarten. I love it. Every day gets a little better as far as routines and procedures. Every day I feel myself growing more and more attached. Every day they are making progress.
Audrey loves school, no surprise there. She is literally right across the hall from me, lol. Before school started she was SO nervous. She worried about making friends. Really? This girl is friends with everyone she meets within 2 minutes...even with older kids! I think she was sad that 4-5 of her good girlfriends were in a different class. She does have 3 girls (and 2 sweet boys!) with her this year, and I told her that she'd make new friends in no time. And of course she did :)
On Wednesday Chris took Abigail to meet her new teacher. It went so well, and her first day was great. Chris said that drop-off was perfect. When I picked her up she was SO happy. As much as I CAN'T WAIT to have her with me at school, I'm glad she has another year of pre-k. She'll be more than ready for Kindergarten next year!
Thankfully it was only a 4 day week. Early mornings and late nights will probably be happening for awhile. The commute is annoying, but there's an end in sight...52 school days until Thanksgiving Break and move-in time! That's a lot of school days, but they fly by!