Reading quietly in her room

First sign (of many!) for Baby's room

Helping me clean before the week begins!
Weather-wise it was a gorgeous week! On the hot side for a couple of days, but I loved it. I was happy to see my babies and get back into a routine.

Spring Picture Day!

On Thursday night (well, 1 am on Friday morning) Audrey came into our room. Then she threw up. I spent the next few hours holding her hair back while she went from watching cartoons to getting sick. Chris took the couch, but he was sick, too. I thought I'd have to take Friday off, but with Chris being sick, he and Audrey took care of each other (plus it was a very much needed teacher workday!)

I'm 15 weeks and feeling fantastic. I just feel more energized and less "blah." I love being pregnant :)
This was a lot of fun and kept the girls busy (especially Abby), but I needed lots more ice!

We took a walk this morning and it was so beautiful!
Loving this weather!