I was so excited when a studio near our house (and by near I mean 20 minutes!) offered a dance class for 18+ months. I immediately bought Audrey a leotard, tutu, and her first pair of ballet slippers. Today was her first class and we're both hooked! She was awesome. Her teacher, Ms. Kiki is so sweet. Audrey didn't really follow ALL of the directions. Her teacher tried to get the girls to do things like touch their toes, raise their arms over their heads, and bang their hands on the floor to make "thunder." Audrey didn't want to do any of those things, she just wanted to dance. She did an awesome job of bringing Ms. Kiki her circle (or "kircle" as Audrey says!) Her favorite part was Freeze Dance, probably because we do it at home all the time. Chris had to work, so Grandma and Grandpa came to take photos and video. I managed to get a ton of pics when I wasn't participating :)
Standing on her "kircle"
She laid down to rest more than once!
Taking another break
Getting a sticker for being soooo good!
Admiring her sticker
What a wonderful first class!
I'm so glad we'll be doing this together. I think it's a great way for her to socialize and experience new people, new things. I can't tell you how proud I was to watch her get out there and dance her heart out. I hope this is something she really likes and decides when she's older to stick with it...but if not, that's ok too! I'm looking forward to trying soccer, gymnastics...whatever her little heart desires!