We started our weekend with dinner at the Iron Horse, a really nice restaurant in Ashland. A friend of Chris's recommended it and the food was excellent! On Saturday we stopped for a quick breakfast at Chic-fil-a, then chose new area rugs for the house. We took Audrey to dance class then headed to Belvedere Plantation. The weather was gorgeous and we had a great time!

Dad and Audrey checking out the animals

She did so well at feeding the goats! Must be all the practice she gets feeding the dogs!

She preferred to walk around

My favorite flower of the bunch!

She absolutely hated the pony ride...at least we got our $6 back

Her very first pumpkin!

Pumpkin picking is serious business...

Hugging her pumpkin (which she kept calling an apple!)

Favorite picture of the day, to be framed!

Before we left we bought an apple pie and a picture frame. Chris picked his very own pumpkin which I know he plans on carving into a creative masterpiece. Audrey passed out in the truck on the way home and took a loooong nap. Then we headed to Richmond for our anniversary dinner at Cheesecake!

She would NOT look at the camera!

Tired :)
It was such a great weekend. I wish we had Columbus Day off tomorrow, but it's a work day for teachers (not even a real work day, we'll be stuck in professional development classes all day!) Thanksgiving can't come soon enough :)