Abigail is the BEST helper! She hands me clothes when I'm folding the laundry and moves them from the washer to the dryer (and presses the buttons, of course!) She helps rinse out the bottles at the sink. When I vacuum she takes the brush attachment and walks around with it, brushing different areas of the floor. She likes to help pour ingredients when I'm cooking or baking. When I'm refilling her juice cup or snack dish, she says, "I hold the top." She is the sweetest thing! Of course the jobs take a bit longer when she's "helping", but I love the bonding time with her, and I'd never discourage her from being helpful.
She loves her Grandma and Grandpa SO much! She always wants to go to their house. When I tell her I'm on the phone with Grandma, she says, "Abby's Grandma?!"
When she thinks she's done something wrong, she immediately says, "I sorry- I so, so sorry." It melts my heart.
She's DONE with the paci! And it was so, so easy. For the longest time she only used it in her bed. Then we started getting lax- letting her have it to keep her quiet in stores/restaurants, for "quiet time" in her room. And I started to notice she was asking for it more and more. One morning I decided we'd try stopping. All day I told her that the paci was becoming bad for her teeth. She seemed very concerned about that, lol. She even threw one of them away! I was skeptical, but at bedtime she didn't even ask for it. I thought for sure she'd wake up wanting it during the night (like she has so many times when it would fall out of her bed.) But she slept all night :) I thought for sure it would be a never ending battle with her- she's so adamant and strong-willed. Fingers crossed that we're done with the paci forever! Side note- Annie doesn't care for the paci at all!
She repeats after me. When I say, "I love you, pretty girl!" She says, "I love you pretty mom!" I make a big deal about it and give her hugs and kisses and she just thinks it's the funniest thing! It takes us awhile to say goodnight to each other. As I'm walking out her door I say, "Goodnight my sweet girl!" She says, "Good night my sweet mom!" and I run back to her bed for tickles. We do this 2-3 more times and we have too much fun.
She sounds so sweet when she sings the songs from Frozen; "For the First Time" and "Let it Go." I love, love, love her sweet voice!
I love watching her interact with Annie. She gives her fist bumps, talks to her, and is SO entertained by her! The are going to be best buds for sure.
She thinks it's funny to attack me with kisses. She laughs so hard when I wipe them off my face, lol.
One morning I woke up to the girls sitting in front of the window watching the snow fall. It was all Audrey's doing- she pulled the chair over, got Abby to sit with her, gathered their drinks and blanket. There are definitely times when I'm overwhelmed with their bickering...but this was one of those times I felt so grateful that they have each other.