I had a super wonderful 1 hour massage on Friday night (thank you Christopher!!) The therapist worked mostly on my back, neck, shoulders, and feet. It was heavenly! I felt so relaxed that I started to worry about going into labor right there on the table :)
I felt great as we walked around the zoo yesterday. I hardly felt 36 weeks pregnant. Then I came home and cleaned the floors- big mistake! My back started aching so bad and although I took a long hot bath last night I woke up with the same pain this morning which resonated down my backside. Not so great when you have to go grocery shopping with a 2 year old, drop off the dog for a grooming appointment and pick up a baby mattress from the store! I started 30 units of insulin last night and when I tested my blood sugar this morning it was 78...wooo hooo!
I've been sleeping well and have no issues other than the back pain. I'm definitely moving a little slower but all in all I'm feeling wonderful! Today I set up the crib and cleaned out the remaining clutter in the nursery. I washed the infant car seat and unpacked the Stokke bassinet seat. Next weekend I think we'll install the car seat bases and set up the Pack and Play. I want to order a new swing (the Snug a Bunny) and consign our old one. I have to get new nipples for our Dr Brown's bottles and new pump parts. And I'm hoping to order a co-sleeper. Still so much to do, and that's just at home! At school I'll be busy with report cards and parent conferences...not to mention getting things ready for my sub.
I have another BP and dr appt on Thursday. Hopefully things are still looking great. I need every bit of the next 3 weeks!