On Monday our power was out so we met Chris for dinner. We got home around 7:30 (still no power) but as I was packing up to head to the IL's, it came back on. The next night I had my final math class (yaaay!) On Thursday we met Chris at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner (oh, delicious honey BBQ wings, I am still craving you!) and then we headed to hh greg where Chris bought my Christmas present, a new camera! I'm still trying to play with it and figure out all the different settings. I'm hoping to take a nice family picture in front of the tree for our holiday cards. The weather sucked...it was extremely cold and windy and yet there's no sight of snow in our forecast.
Yesterday we went to the annual pancake breakfast at my school. It was so great to see the kids and their families. Afterwards we had a quick visit with my dad and brother, then we headed home. Audrey had a nice long nap, then we all headed out for grocery shopping and dinner at Mexico Restaurant. We noticed red bumps on her legs but we're not sure what caused them:

Cortisone and caladryl (sp?) cleared it up overnight, thankfully.
This morning was pretty rough. Audrey woke up and seemed fine. I thought it might be a good day to do a little shopping and visit Santa. We were halfway to the mall when she had a screaming fit in the car. By the time we got there she had calmed down but as soon as I put her in the stroller she wasn't having it. As we waited in line for Santa, I had to hold her and she was a crying, sniffling mess. I was so torn. We had gotten ready and driven 30 minutes to get here. We've been standing here 20 minutes already. I have so much freaking shopping to get done! But looking at her, I knew we had to just go home and relax. She of course screamed most of the way home and eventually passed out by the time we got there. I had to give her a bath because she looked like a wreck between her runny nose and watery eyes. I got her into her PJs with some juice and we laid in my bed to watch Mickey Mouse (he really helps taker mind off of feeling bad, God love him.) By the end of the episode she was smiling and giggling and back to her usual, happy self (no fever, btw.) She laid down in her room for a nap and I pretty much collapsed back into bed wanting so badly to have a drink or two.
I just couldn't believe the morning we'd had. She had never behaved that way in public. She must've been feeling really terrible. And I felt so badly for putting her through it. I started to actually regret being pregnant because, honestly, how would I do this with TWO little ones? Not alone, I can tell you that much! Thank goodness for Christopher who was so wonderful and understanding when I called him in tears on the way home. Or when he texted me to make sure everything was ok (with BOTH of us) and if he needed to come home from work. I quickly got over my pity party. With him I know I can get through anything because I am not alone.
I am praying for a better week!