I had a wonderful summer. I got to spend every waking moment with my precious girl. How much she has changed since June! She started crawling, got 2 teeth, started pulling up on everything, and started sleeping all night in her own room. I am so proud of all her milestones and I'm thrilled that she's a happy, healthy, beautiful little lady. So much has changed for her this summer which makes it a little harder to go back to work (although I have successfully weaned and will not be bringing my pump back to work...hooray!). It will still be difficult to go from spending all day with her...to spending all day away from her. I'm going to miss having her voice on the monitor wake me up. Instead it will be the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I'm going to miss our leisurely mornings of hanging out with Chris while he gets ready for work, watching Mickey Mouse, eating breakfast and playing in the living room with absolutely no hurry. I'm going to miss putting her down for her naps, and then walking back into her room a couple hours later to see her smiling face. Yeah, there are about a million things I will miss about summer, but the good news is there's always NEXT summer :)
Besides getting to spend all my time with my favorite little person, I had plenty of time to read! I finished my Jack Daniels murder mystery series (by JA Konrath...that I started LAST summer). I started the Twilight series and will be starting the final book tomorrow. I know that once the kids start back to school I'll have zero time to read for enjoyment...probably not until Winter break (which btw is only 3 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day away.)
A look back at the best summer ever:
Mom's last day of school!
Pool time!
Spent most of the summer either sitting up, or on all fours....wanting to crawl SO BADLY!
There are teeth in there somewhere...
Learned to pull up on everything, thanks to all the new big girl toys!
Goodbye, summer! It's been fabulous!